Saturday, March 6, 2010

I Brought An Umbrella

So today was Day 2 of the cleanse. I am happy to report that I was able to introduce fruits and vegetables into my diet so I didn't have to resort to eating my own arm off. I did the lemon and cayenne pepper concoction and it just made me want to throw up only a little bit this time.

Around 1 PM I motivated myself to get out of my pajama's and made my way to Jacqueline's piso (she actually has a friend over from school) and we decided to play tour guides. We walked around the center of town and then eventually made our way to the Juderia and from there went to the Las Bellas Artes Museo. It was free so I can't complain about that and we got to see three small exhibits of local cordobese artists of the past. A lot of it was the Virgin with Child, the Anunciation, etc. You get the drift, but very enjoyable. It also has one of the nicest patios I've seen in Cordoba; I must go back and get a picture of it.

Then we made our way to the colossal Mezquita which I had never toured before because I never wanted to pay the 8 euros. Jackie told me that Cordoban residents did not have to pay so I was more than thrilled! We got inside and I took control of Jackie's camera and just started shooting away. Jackie was an AMAZING tour guide and explained everything in full detail. I have been to the Mezquita before for mass but never got to tour it in entirety.

Parts of the mosque were so different, including the infamous Muslim arches, to the Byzantine Church influence, and the now, Catholic influences. Jackie said that it used to be an open-aired mosque and then the doors are forever closed and the caliphs used to have a pathway that they could access (in the Muslim days) so that they could pray multiple times a day. Very cool stuff. Oh, and there were caged off sarcophagi all around and the richest families in the Cordoba area pay the church (whats new?) to upkeep and maintain the individual resting places for the dead.

Then we met up with Natasha and took the #9 bus back to Jackie's place off Ponce de Leon. It's so funny how so many places here remind me of Saint Augustine (obviously, a Spanish influenced town). I mean I live in Cordoba, and I used to live off Cordova Street in college.

Jackie made the most delicious meal of grilled red peppers (which taste so heavenly here that I swear they have to be bad for you) and some aubergine (I like that word instead of eggplant) and also some mashed potatoes (sans butter -- I'm cleansing haha). I also made a hummus which was good, but note to self: I don't actually like that much lemon in it...I prefer more garlic. If I could get my hands on some pine nuts/sun-dried tomatoes...I think that would be more up my alley.


So...I regret flipping out on Tori yesterday. I'm really upset with myself actually. I just freaked out after not talking to her for 3 months and I should have just been happy to actually getting to talk to her and having a long conversation with her while she was en-route to Orlando but I just started crying and telling her what a jerk she was for ignoring me and choosing friends above me. I just feel like she doesn't care because of course how could my feelings affect her? Its just aggravating because I miss her so much and she doesn't care. Dad and Tori were together from Wednesday to Thursday night (it was supposed to be until Friday but he left early and he did not tell I'm waiting like a sad puppy by the phone/computer thinking were going to have a skype date together)... So I told her to f*** off (classy, right?) and ended it like that. I shouldn't just be upset with my sister, my Dad is also at fault.

It's not even a big deal and I'm making it one. I just know that the relationship/bond that Tori and I have isn't strong as it is and its just setting in that she wants nothing to do with me now. Three months without communication is so unsettling. But I suppose...only for me. I even told Dad about how I felt so distant from Tori and he made sure we would skype all together...but never did. I'm just hurt. Am I overreacting?

So, I called Tori today and left a message. I don't blame her if she doesn't want to talk to me. I wouldn't want to talk to me either. I just hope she calls when she isn't upset from what I said. I just want to make things right and not have an episode where we don't talk for years...I know we are not close at all and she barely likes me but she is the only sister I have and that is enough for me.

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